The Truth of the Word

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To be completely honest, the title of this lesson is a bit redundant. To say, “the truth of the Word” is essentially saying “the truth of the truth”. That is, because the Word itself, is truth itself.

The Bible is one of the most researched and studied documents in human history. It is used in stories, quoted throughout everything, and has been a primary culture-creator, at least for the Western World. Many of the scriptures, stories, morals, and laws have heavily influenced the world that we live in today. Without the Bible, things would be very different, and not in a good way.

But all that means nothing if everything in the Bible is “make-believe” as the world pushes today. Which brings us back to our opener. The Word of God, aka the Bible, is one of the most influential documents, probably the most influential document in human history. And if what is said in it is true, then it is the most powerful, most important, and most incredible thing that we can grasp with our own two hands.

In order to understand and grasp how powerful and how much of a blessing the Word of God is, you must first believe it to be true.

So, let’s see. Is the Word of God true?

The Historical Evidence

As I said, the Bible is one of the most researched and studied documents ever. With that being said, there is still some doubt as to whether many of the events in the Bible actually took place. There are incredible stories in scripture, such as Moses and the Red Sea, David and Goliath, and so many more. It makes sense that some wouldn’t be so easily convinced of its truth,

However, there is quite a bit of evidence supporting the Bible and some of its most outlandish events. History Collection actually gives us 20 pieces of evidence to support the Bible and its event. Some of which include evidence that Jesus did in fact exist, that the House of David was real, and that those who came against Jesus like Herod and Pontius Pilate did in fact exist.

While people existing may or may not ring a bell with you and convince you that the Word is true, it certainly is astounding. It’s almost, to me or you, like our heroes and villains exist in real life. Imagine if you found out that the superheroes and princesses and fairy tale characters you grew up with, ended up being real. It would be pretty surprising. It would also surely convince you that there is a chance those stories might be true too.

Perhaps my favorite piece of evidence is the manuscripts.

Many people have the idea that the Bible was written by corrupt men who sought their own gain. Of course, there are “Christians” who have been corrupt and used the Bible to seek their own gain, the Bible itself is not like that.

There are roughly 2,500 Bible manuscripts that exist, and still, none of scripture contradicts itself. You can look in Isaiah, and not find one verse to contradict the book of John. You can do that same thing for hours if not days and still not find a contradiction. With thousands of manuscripts dating back thousands of years, it’s hard to argue against the historical prominence of the Word.

In the Beginning

I would argue that most people that will read this post are Christians. I would also argue that you believe that the Word of God is historically true. So, what is important for the majority of us, is understanding that the Bible is the truth, and the actual living Word of God, not just a historically accurate book.

In other words, we need to understand that the Word of God, can actually impact our lives. And to that, I’d say, let’s go to John 1:1.

“In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1).

Looking at this very first part of the verse, we can see a very powerful truth. The Word of God is actually already at the beginning of time. Before there were pages and books to even write down the Bible, the Word was there.

This doesn’t really make much sense. Especially when you don’t fully understand the power and magnitude of the Bible. To most, it seems like merely a book. To some, it seems like the play book, showing us how we ought to live our lives. But if it was really there at the beginning of time, it’s something far greater than that.

The Word Was With God

The next line of John 1:1 is this,

“and the Word was with God”

At the beginning of time, it’s safe to say that not much existed. It was really just God, I would imagine. But this line would prove otherwise.

Oftentimes, we call the Bible the Word of God because it’s “inspired by God”. But I would argue, since the Word was actually with God at the very beginning of time, that the Bible isn’t just inspired by him, but it’s poured straight from his heart. This not only makes it more powerful and prominent, but it actually makes it more real, at least to me.

When I read the Bible, sometimes it’s hard to resonate with it. The stories are from thousands of years ago when times were far different, the people are long gone, and everything is very “big”. But knowing that what I’m reading is coming straight from God’s heart, makes the Bible not just a book, but a letter to us, from him. It makes it personal.

The Word Was God

That leads us to the last John 1:1.

“and the Word was God.”

The statements just keep getting bolder and bolder. First, the Word was there at the beginning of time. Then, it was with God. Now, it is God. How can this be? How can the Bible, the book we all are familiar with, be God?

As we said before, the Bible is not just inspired by God, it is poured straight from the heart of God. Another way that we can say that, is that it is an expression of God’s heart. In the sense of this truth though, the Word isn’t just an expression of God’s heart, but it’s actually a physical expression of God himself in the form of Jesus. So, in reality, Jesus really is the physical expression of the Word of God, which makes it the most legitimate, true, and good thing possible.

Let’s take a minute and think about that. The Word of God is not only a book filled with the written expression of God and his heart, but it is also the physical expression of God in Christ Jesus.

The Word Became Flesh

The rest of John 1 is powerful. It goes on to say that through the Word, all things are made. Without the Word, nothing is made. That in itself is powerful, but there is one more important truth we must touch on.

John 1:14 tells us that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. Obviously, this is talking about Jesus, as he came to Earth in the form of man to save the world from our sin.

Jesus has been around since the beginning of time as well. There has always been a physical expression of God, as it was actually him who created all things (Col. 1:16). But he didn’t come down in the form of man until his time on Earth. When he did though, the physical expression of the Word came and showed us his heart.

God didn’t just use Jesus to save us, or to show us how to live. But he also showed us that the entire heart of scripture and the Bible is shown in Christ. All of scripture points to him, and he is the full expression of the Word, and the heart of God. Through Christ, and in Christ, we see the Word of God, the Bible. And in the Bible, we see Christ.

Final Thoughts

The Word of God, aka the Bible, aka God, aka Jesus, is the most important, most influential, most powerful, and most truthful thing in all of human history. And I hope that you can believe that.

The Word isn’t just a book of religion. It isn’t just some Christian mumbo jumbo. It is far more than we can even understand.

I find that the Word of God reveals the character and heart of God, as it is the written expression of Him. It brings us closer to him, it gets us acquainted with God in a deeper way. And most importantly, it points us to the physical expression of the Word in Christ Jesus and by whom all things are created and made new.

It’s not just historically accurate. It isn’t even just influential and powerful. But it is living, and it is the truth that we can lean on.

But it doesn’t stop there. The Word is the most powerful thing in all of creation, meaning that it isn’t just a blessing, but it can change everything.

Come back next week to hear more about the Word of God.

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