We Can’t Lose

two silver chess pieces on white surface

The title of this article sounds very controversial. Christians can’t lose? What does that even mean?

Some have probably already clicked away, just knowing this will be something about prosperity or something. Maybe you’d say I’m delusional or that I just haven’t experienced life. However, I believe that all controversy aside, this topic is something we can all agree on.

We can all lose things. We can lose our wallet, our keys, maybe even our phone. Perhaps some of us have lost a big game, competition, or something far worse, a loved one. Whatever it is that we have lost, we all have experienced that feeling. But, lucky for us, there is something far greater at hand. Something that has already been decided.

We’ve discussed spiritual warfare, and that may be what you’re thinking about. However, I’m thinking of something far greater than that.

Our Enemy

Luke has Darth Vader, Batman has Joker, the entire marvel universe has Thanos, and likewise, we have a major enemy fighting against us. The devil and the spiritual forces of darkness, otherwise known as demons. That is our true enemy (Ephesians 6:12). Not each other. Not our coworkers or crazy family members.

When I think of our enemy, and the countless battles of spiritual warfare that will have with them throughout our days, I remember the Lord of the Rings. It seemingly gives us the best picture of what we are truly like against the enemy.

In this story, you have a dark lord named Sauron, who is seen as a great foe for many hundreds of years. He has a bunch of soldiers called “orcs” that are there to carry out his will, find the one ring, and make Sauron powerful enough to rule the Earth. However, his plans are thwarted by members of a fellowship.

It’s important and impactful to look at these characters and start to see ourselves in their shoes. That way, we can start to realize that we truly can’t lose.

If you want to learn more about spiritual warfare, which you should, you can check out our post here! But spiritual warfare isn’t our main topic today. Because today we don’t want to focus on our constant struggle with the enemy. But the goodness of God. and how he makes it possible to win every war we ever face, just as our stories’ heroes did.

The Heroes Can’t Lose

As Christians, we share many characteristics with these heroes, or at least we can see them in scripture. Let’s look at each one to really dissect it.

  • The Struggle of Men

Many characters in pop culture, movies, TV, books, etc. have this common trait. Many of them struggle with temptation, fear, and intimidation. They wrestle with destiny and finding confidence in who they really are. They can even wrestle with right and wrong, having to decide which path of the two they will follow.

However, as the plot progresses, the character finds strength and does what they know they must.

That is similar to many of our stories. Every day, we have the Lord and the enemy in our ear. We can decide to answer the call that God has for us in Christian living and must wrestle with the temptations of this world. But in the end, we have to decide if we will follow God or follow the enemy.

  • The Victory of the Believer

The next character is probably the fan favorite. It is the one that is destined for greatness. The character that can’t seem to leave a battle with a scratch. They’re often the leader and stand strong, even when beaten down. Even if they are hurt or seem on the losing end, they find their way back to the top. In the end, they wind up on top, as they were always destined to be.

This is what the believer gets to experience. We have the pleasure to live life like this, though we don’t always get to.

I like to look at Joseph and Daniel to see this character. They both experience hardships, but the Lord takes them through the hard times, and puts them on a pedestal.

What they did? They endured and walked in faith.

  • The Protection of God

There is one more major character that we get to see in most heroic stories. That is the mysterious, yet wise and powerful guidance. This character is so popular and its oftentimes one of the best characters! This person guides and leads the characters to make the right decisions and to provide counsel and support.

This is how the Lord plays into our lives. He guides us, protects us, and is quite mysterious. He is there to provide us with support and counsel. We’re very lucky to have him by our side.

What Do We Have in Common?

So, I say everything about those characters for what reason?

Well, it’s clear that we have quite a bit in common with those characters, but it’s also clear that they all have something common as well. They don’t lose.

These characters, like us, may lose a fight, or a tussle, but the ultimate battle they never lose. It’s just not in the DNA of the characters.

We must understand that it’s not in our spiritual DNA either, regardless of whether or not we see that or not. We can use scripture to greater understand that.

Winning is in Our DNA

The verse that I believe best shows us that it is in our DNA to win is Romans 8:28.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good”

Although it’s a short verse, it gives us a great idea about what we can expect from life. All things work together for good, for those who love God. That essentially tells us that we can’t lose. That in the end, everything will work together for us. How great is that!

What this verse doesn’t tell us is that everything will be good. It doesn’t tell us that we will win every single fight, or every single situation. But this verse does tell us that everything will work out for our good. That’s important to remember.

Oftentimes, a problem that we have with scripture is that we see a verse like that and misinterpret it. We often would think that the verse means that nothing bad will ever happen to us. Which is precisely the reason why this verse becomes ineffective in our lives.

When we fail to understand the verse for what it truly means, we fail to receive the blessings that the verse can bring.

Remember, that this verse tells us one major truth that we can count on in life. It is not in the identity of those who love God to lose. In the end, we can truly only win.

What the Enemy Meant for Evil

We’ve all certainly heard the song that goes, “what the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good”. It’s such a popular Christian song, but you would be surprised that it’s not actually a verse. However, there is something similar.

In the book of Genesis, we see Joseph, as I mentioned earlier, prospering. His brothers don’t like that, and they end up giving him up to slavery. His own brothers meant to do him harm, knowing that he was a prosperous man. However, the Lord took him from slavery to being imprisoned and eventually he was made Pharoh’s second in command.

Joseph was clearly given over to evil. For a man to give his own brother to slavery is surely evil, much less a group of brothers. Yet, he prospered. That is the image of what we can be like. This is what Joseph said to his brothers after much prospering.

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good”

This is where our song comes from. What the enemy meant for evil for Joseph, the Lord turned for good in his prospering.

This is another verse that people don’t really get the full value out of. When something bad happens, we often panic and ask God, “why?” That is not a very great approach.

What we should be doing is acting exactly what Joseph did during his years of slavery and imprisonment.

He endured, and walked in faith.

You Can’t Lose With Faith

When it comes to having faith, Joseph had lots of it. He also had endured lots of suffering. This was in fact the key to his prosperity. This was the key to him winning in the end.

It wasn’t just faith, however. If faith was the only reason that he didn’t lose, then wouldn’t every Christian have what Joseph did? Don’t we all have at least a little faith?

I believe that it was faith working together with suffering that brought him his great reward. That can be seen through a verse in Romans.

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame” (Romans 5:3-5).

This verse tells us that we can rejoice in our sufferings because in the end, our suffering will lead us to hope that is not put to shame. How powerful is that!

Essentially, it was the continually suffering, or in other words, losses, that Joseph faced that helped him win in the end. This is because he endured and walked in faith.

The Lord Turns Lose into Win

I have had a very powerful experience with this idea of not being able to lose. More precisely, I have seen the enemy attack my life, and the Lord turn it into a great blessing.

Almost two years ago, I had someone very close to me pass away. They were one of my best friends and will certainly be missed, however, and this will surely sound odd to some, their death became a major blessing in my life.

Throughout my entire life, I have always felt alone, and didn’t have many friends. Also, up until this point in my life, I hadn’t had a close relationship with Jesus. I saw him as most do, distant and uninvolved.

However, when my sister passed away, I lost a close friend, when I didn’t have many, and it caused to lean into Jesus. At this point, I pressed in and got closer to the Lord than anyone else and it has completely transformed my life. Any problem I had before seemingly disappeared.

I knew that the enemy meant that moment for evil. He meant for me to hit rock bottom and stay there, maybe even get worse than I was. However, the Lord took it as an opportunity to take me back. He surely turned it for good, and I did not lose.

Final Thoughts

This is such an empowering topic, and I hope that it’s able to encourage you in your life and in your situations. We all face trouble, we all face problems, and losses. The important thing to remember is that in the end, when we endure with faith, we can’t lose.

Let the scripture encourage you. “All things” work together for the good of those who love the Lord. Remember that. “All things”. So, in your financial situations, in your families, in your school or work problems, all things will work together for your good.

I didn’t do a practical application for this topic for a specific reason. I have no idea what anyone is struggling with. However, I know that there is just one piece of advice that I could give everyone to help with everything. That is, endure in faith. That is the absolute key to coming out on top every single time.

There will come a time when the enemy thinks he has you. In that moment, remember, the Lord has already won, and he’s already said, “you’re mine”. You’ve already won, you just need to endure.

Have a great week!

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