Trust the Process

colorful toothed wheels

How often do we find ourselves losing hope? We work hard for a time, see no results, and just give up? Maybe we lose sight of the process?

It’s so easy to look at the work that we put into things and expect an immediate result. Especially when we look at others that look like they have everything and don’t do nearly enough to deserve it.

I think though, what we all typically forget to see is the process by which things happen. Nothing ever happens or changes instantly. In everything, there is a process that causes things to change.

We see it everywhere, in everything we do, so let’s look at a few clear instances of it.

The Process of Losing Weight

We live in a world where social media has brought the fittest and skinniest people into fame. Constantly, we see fitness influencers and super insane athletes; it’s everywhere.

So now, more than ever, everyone wants to be in amazing shape. They want the as seen on social media bodies and will do whatever they can to get them. Except the actual process it takes to get that body.

How does one lose weight? While it may be complex for some, the simplest answer, according to Healthline, all it takes is “burning more calories than you consume” (Does Exercise Help You Lose Weight? The Surprising Truth (

This is a rather simple answer giving multiple solutions including exercise and a change of diet, on top of other methods. However, there is no real change going on, because it’s difficult to trust the process.

I’ve been through this. I have lost weight and put it back on many times, because I’ll see results at first, stop seeing them, and feel like quitting. I lose the hope that I had at first because I can’t see results as immediately as I once did.

The process of losing weight is hard, but it’s simple and it works, most of the time of course.

The Process of Gaining Muscle

Though it is pretty similar to the previous example of losing weight, the process of gaining muscle is also very prevalent.

A lot of people go the gym and think it’s the only thing they have to do. By a lot of people, I definitely mean me too. However, if you ask any fitness influencer of some sort, they will tell you that you need three things. Exercise, rest, and a good diet.

Those three things are practically the key to building muscle meaning that as long as you get those, you should build some. In other words, getting good rest, a good diet, and exercise is the process of gaining muscle.

You don’t typically see everybody walking around with huge muscles all the time though. That is because the process of gaining muscle is very difficult. Some may be really good at doing one of those but lack in the other two. In fact, there are many that take steroids for muscle development to make up for what they slack in.

If the process was easy, and it was easy to see lots of results long term, we would all have big muscles. The difficult process makes it hard to keep going.

The Process of Getting Paid

There are many routes that people can take to get paid. Whether it be getting a job, starting a business, mowing yards, or something completely different. There is an endless number of options when it comes to making money.

The only non-negotiable about all of those options is that it takes putting in work. You have to work in whatever type of job you get. Some jobs you have to work harder than others, some are super easy and require very little effort. But the process of getting paid is simple, you just have to work.

Most people understand this. In order to have a home and food, you have to get paid, so you have to work. However, there are some still that want to get paid while not working. They end up losing their job and bouncing from job to job.

While working can be difficult, and you have to do it for a very long time, it’s really simple. Work hard, and in doing so, get paid and live a stable life.

How Does This Relate to Christianity?

Just as there is a process in every facet of our lives, there is a process of growing in your faith.

While some may be familiar with it, I don’t really know if it is known to many people. It’s not always taught in church. It seems to be pretty complex to most. It’s definitely not the popular answer. However, it is the simplest and most effective way we can grow as individuals.

The process that I am referring to, is to simply spend time with God.

If God wants a relationship with us, we should try to spend time with him. It makes complete sense and seems so obvious, but it’s easy to lose sight of it.

We think that in order to have a relationship with God or to grow and be good Christians that we need to go to church, read the bible every day, volunteer, pray, and do everything perfectly. While those are all great things that have a great effect on our lives, there is only one necessity. That is, spending time with him.

Why Do We Stop the Process?

Like all of the examples we’ve talked about, the process is really very simple, but people still find themselves unable to stick with it.

My theory is that many Christians start to get into a performance mentality. They start to think that they have to earn God’s love and spend their time and energy doing everything that seems right. Though, Romans 8 tells us that nothing can “separate us from the love of God” (Romans 8:38-39). Truly, no matter what we do, nothing will be able to stop God from loving us.

In that, this means that we can’t earn his love and approval, just by being saved we already have it.

Another way that I think people stop the process of growing closer to God is that it doesn’t always seem like it’s working, therefore it’s harder to keep spending time with him.

Sometimes it may seem like the time we spend with him, whether it be in prayer or by reading the Bible, comes to no avail. I’ve even had times that I have felt like I’m just talking to the wind, not God.

While it seems to make sense as God doesn’t typically audibly speak to us, it really is all about faith. In order to really spend time with him and grow, we have to believe that he’s there, caring and listening to us.

It may be helpful to know of a few of the ways that we can spend time with God so we can better understand how He relates to us in that.

Spend Time in the Word

Reading the Bible is one of the greatest ways we can spend time with God. It includes countless stories of his faithfulness and greatness, but also his kindness and care of his people. So many of the thoughts and lessons in the Bible are incredible and teach us how to live more like our King.

But that is not where the greatness stops.

The Bible is called the word of God for a reason and that is because it is the true living word of God. This means that not only does it teach us amazing things from all the awesome stories, but it also is truly a way that God speaks to us.

There are often many times that I’ll read a scripture and it’ll hit me right in the heart. It’s exactly what I needed to hear. Whether it’s humbling, encouraging, or empowering, it’s like that verse was made specifically for me.

2 Peter 1:3 says this:

“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.”

We have everything we need, and I believe that the Bible and the Holy Spirit are the only things we really do need. He can speak to us so much from just reading the Bible.

Spending Time in Prayer

Prayer is incredibly important to our Christian walk and it’s very vital in how we relate to God.

While I don’t believe this 100%, it’s a helpful thought. I once heard someone say that prayer is us talking to God, and the Bible is God’s way of talking to us.

It is true that God speaks to us through the Bible, He can also do it through prayer times, dreams, and more! He’s not limited to just one way of communication! However, we do typically speak to God through our prayer times. That’s why it’s so vital to have them.

It’s important to really talk to God. He cares and He really wants to hear about all of our problems and thoughts, even though he knows them already.

Take a look at the Psalms for example. Many of the Psalms feature King David pouring his heart out to God, looking to be saved from the turmoil he was in. Many also feature David praising God such as Psalms 145 where he writes,

“Every day I will bless you
and praise your name forever and ever.”

Evidently, David saw the Lord’s care in that God not only heard his prayers but was faithful in answering the prayers.

Spend Time with His People

A big part of our Chrisitan walks that I feel is overlooked is community. Church, small groups, and serving are all ways that we come together as Christians.

Although it may seem unnecessary, like as long as it’s you and God that that’s okay but the Bible says otherwise. Let’s look at Matthew 18:20:

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.โ€

When we gather together with others for Jesus, He’s there in the middle of it. So, when you spend time at church or in a small group, you are actually spending time with Jesus too! That’s awesome!

Practical Application

Although some easy practices have already been shared, I would like to lay them out for you just one more time.

  • Spend time in the word of God. Allow the Lord to speak to you through his words and ask him to reveal what he wants you to see. Many times, I have done this and it’s almost as if words just jump off the page.
  • Spend time in prayer, listening for his voice, and pouring your heart out to him. The Lord really wants a relationship with us, and with that, he wants to hear from our hearts.
  • Spend time with his people. Whether it’s church, volunteering, or something else, gather with other believers in his name!

The most important piece of advice I could give really is this: trust the process.

Remember that it takes time to grow closer with God and mature in your faith, but that everything we do to spend time with him, contributes to that.

Final Thoughts

The main point that I hope was expressed, is that there is a process to everything we do.

Sometimes, it may not seem like what we are doing, the process, isn’t working. But we know that as long as we trust the process and stick with it, that we can make it.

We can really trust the process when it comes to our relationship with the Lord, because what he really wants is for us to spend time with him and grow closer to him.

I encourage everyone to try and practice some of the steps above! I believe it would not only bless your relationship with the Lord, but it will bless you in all areas of your life!

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