The Orbit of Our Life

time lapse photo of stars on night

Our world is in constant orbit. The Earth is constantly orbiting around one thing, the Sun. This means that it is spinning around it and even farther than that, it revolves around it.

One of my favorite things about the Lord is that He made things similar to other things. That’s wildly vague, but it’s as simple as that.

He made animals to reproduce, eat, and live very similarly to humans. He made muscles to grow and build similarly to how our brain grows. Likewise, the Lord made our Earth revolve around the Sun like we are meant to revolve around him.

The Sun

While there is no specific scripture that I can find in the Bible that references the solar system, the process is still clearly expressed.

The Sun for our solar system and for Earth is the center. It’s the starting point. In order for the other planets to have life, and to revolve around something, that something first needs to be built.

For those that don’t remember science class, the Sun does something very important for the Earth. It actually provides sunlight, which feeds plants, which release oxygen. So, in a way, the sun actually provides oxygen for us.

According to the Factfile, if the Earth didn’t revolve around the Sun, it “would travel in a straight line”. This means we wouldn’t orbit around a light. Essentially, the Earth would not be habitable with no oxygen, thus without the Sun, we wouldn’t be able to live here.

Similar to the Sun, the Lord provides us with life, and without him, we wouldn’t have eternal life. But there is something even deeper than that.

The Cornerstone

The Lord in our lives should also be the center and be the starting point and there is one specific scripture that shows that.

Ephesians 2:20 says this: “Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone”.

In simple terms, a cornerstone is the foundation of a building, in other words, the starting point. If you look in detail, the cornerstone is the first stone that is set, and all the other stones are built according to that stone. One could also say that the stones of a building are all orbiting or revolving around that cornerstone, metaphorically of course.

This is exactly what Jesus is described as. It’s obvious that he provides us with eternal life, but we should also be building our lives around him. He shouldn’t just be a stone that is set somewhere on the left side or the right. He should be the stone that is set at the very foundation.

Set Our Orbit

I once heard a teacher say that while himself and his daughters are on the beach, he has them set one thing in the water to focus on. This allows them to set what they are revolving around, and it helps them to stay close. It also helps them to see if they are drifting off to sea, as they can tell how far out at sea they are.

While Jesus is automatically the cornerstone of our faith, not many of us have made him the cornerstone of our lives. The incredible thing is that we actually have the ability to set that ourselves. I believe that there are three very simple steps we can take to do that.

Choose the Center

Remember what the teacher had his daughters do? He had them choose what they were going to focus on. They didn’t choose a person that would move, or a small sandcastle on the shore. The teacher said that they always chose a lifeguard post or something similar. In other words, something tall that they would always be able to see.

That is the role that Jesus should play in our life. He should be domineering over everything so that we can always see him. We should choose him to reign over our lives and put him around the center, higher than anything else.

The problem starts here. When we let other things be the center of our life, our foundation crumbles. Jesus is the only firm foundation out there and the only thing that can truly bring life. We need to choose to place him at the very center of our lives.

Orbit Around Him

An orbit can be defined as “the curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star, planet, or moon.” However, that is in reference to our solar system. So, the definition I would use for our lives is the path of our day to day lives around the Lord. That is what our orbit should be.

Our lives should daily be moving around our relationship with God. That is not very common though. What we normally find is that our lives revolve around everything else. Whether it be a person, an activity, a job, or really anything else, our lives tend to be focused on everything else.

That is really something we want to avoid, because as we can see with Earth, what we are orbiting around matters.

Think about if Earth was not orbiting around the Sun. We would move in a straight line and not have the light we need to feed plants, so we would run out of oxygen. But what if the Earth began revolving around something else? Maybe something that would not only fail to produce light, but maybe something that actually hurt the Earth.

That is the case for us when we don’t make our lives with Jesus at the center. We not only don’t have life like we can with Jesus, but it often hurts us as well.

We need the sun to have life, and thus we need Jesus at the center of our orbit to have life. So, we should make us and everything in our lives revolve around him.

Stay Close

One of the reasons that the teacher had his daughters pick something to focus on was to tell if they were drifting off to sea. That same concept can be used in relation to our relationship with God.

When one makes the Lord the center of their life and the most important part of their life, everything changes. For instance, when I go a day or two without praying much or reading my Bible, I find myself feeling irritated and tired. That’s only after a short day or two.

This is because I wasn’t eating and consuming what can really sustain me and I wasn’t living my days focused on the Lord.

When I started to feel upset and irritated, I knew that my focus was drifting away from the Father because I knew how close I was to him those days, and how I felt.

This also goes into every area of our lives that we make the Lord the center of.

We can tell how great of a sibling, spouse, friend, kid and so much more that we are being based on how close we are to the Father.

A relationship with God impacts every single other area of our lives when we put him at the center and stay close.

Are you out of orbit?

Something that we don’t ask ourselves enough is where are we spiritually? We can get caught up with our day to day lives and tend to forget about our faith walks completely.

With that being said, it’s important to ask ourselves, are we in the path God wants us to be in? Are we making him the center of our lives, allowing him to guide our steps?

If you would say yes to all those, be a little more honest with yourself and ask again. Then, if you would say yes then that’s great. If not, it’s time to put him at the center, make everything revolve around him, and keep close to the Father.

One more step we could do to make sure we are in orbit of the Lord is to determine which areas of our life we are not revolving around the Lord.

Oftentimes, when we put the Lord at the center of our lives as a whole, it completely affects all the other areas. However, there are often things that we try to keep ahold up and focus on.

When we put those things to the side and let the Lord be the center of even our most precious things, He can truly do more than we can with them.

Final Thoughts

The Lord is many things. He is our rock, fortress, and deliverer (Psalms 18:2). He is our refuge (Psalms 91:2). Our strength and shield (Psalms 28:7). Our cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20).

Something he should be in our lives is the center. He isn’t just at the center, but he should be the center. Our whole world should bow and revolve around him. Not just because he deserves all the praise and the worship in the world, but because it is the best thing for us.

The Lord’s ways are higher than ours, and his thinking higher as well, so wouldn’t it just be better to let him guide us?

I encourage everyone to really examine your own life, and ask yourself, is the Lord at the center of my life?

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