Receiving Revelation

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Last week, we discussed revelation, which is a term used to describe something that the Lord reveals to you. Revelation can be very impactful in your Christian life, and in building your faith.

I say this through personal experience. I used to read the Bible like most people, as if it was some ordinary book. But when the Lord revealed to me His intention of wanting to be my friend and companion through life, everything changed. The Bible was suddenly different, as if the words were coming off the pages, and things were highlighted to me that had never been important before.

All of that had sprouted from the revelation that God wasnโ€™t some impersonal higher power. But a friend that sticks closer than a brother, which is something I needed at the time. From God revealing something about Him and His character, my entire life changed. Which is why I believe that revelation is key to building your faith and beginning to understand the character of nature of our Good Shepherd.

Letโ€™s learn how to begin receiving revelation from Him.

Removing the Veil

There are two key components of receiving revelation from the Lord. In order to receive some mystery or understanding from God, there first has to be a veil thatโ€™s removed. We discussed this last week, as we related revelation to seeing through fog.

In order for us to see what is on the other side of fog, we must either get closer to the object and push through the fog, or the fog itself must be lifted. In other words, a veil (or a covering) must be removed in order to receive something from the Lord.

Fortunately for us, the veil has already been removed, for anyone who has turned to Christ.

โ€-but whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is libertyโ€ (2 Corinthians 3:16-17).

If anyone is in Christ, the veil between us, and Him has been lifted. So, for any believer, they have the opportunity and the chance to be receiving revelation from the Lord. They, unlike unbelievers, can read the word, and view it through a different lens. Itโ€™s through that different lens, that a fresh perspective and continual revelation can be received.

Receiving by Relationship

Having the veil removed is only part of seeing and receiving the mysteries of God. There is another element to this that can only be achieved through relationship with God.

Weโ€™ve touched on this before, in this series on the Good Shepherd. Relationship with Him is entirely necessary if someone is going to be His sheep. Itโ€™s also necessary if you want to hear from Him, or receive from God. How much more necessary would it be for receiving the revelation of His mysteries?

If someone wants to see through the fog, they need to do one of two things. They need the fog to be lifted, or they just need to be touch or be super close to the thing beyond the fog. But if the fog was lifted, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are going to see everything thatโ€™s no longer under the fog. If Iโ€™m a mile away from my car, I wonโ€™t see my car whether there is fog or not. I need to be close to the object to see it regardless.

Receiving revelation is the same. I need the veil to be removed. But I also need to be close to the Father in order to receive something from Him. We need to be in relationship with Him, talking with Him and calling to Him, for Him to give us any revelation of His nature and character.

The Posture of our Hearts in Receiving

Throughout scripture, we see that the posture of oneโ€™s heart, matters tremendously. There are many verses with phrases like, โ€œincline your earโ€, โ€œdraw nearโ€, and โ€œsubmit yourselves to Himโ€. These are just a few phrases out of many that reflect the posture of our hearts towards the Lord.

Having a right heart motive behind wanting to receive is important. There was a short season, where I wanted to receive more revelation from God, and get to know the Bible more, so that I could chase wisdom. I had said that I wanted to be like Solomon and wise individuals like that. At first glance, it looks to be a noble desire, but it wasnโ€™t. My sole intention shouldโ€™ve been to know the Lord more. Thatโ€™s all.

Thatโ€™s why the posture that we have towards God is very important to receive from Him. We must start to draw near, submit ourselves, and bow down to the Lord. Our desire should be to know more of Him, and in doing so, let the revelation of His character be given to us.

Believe me, when your desire is simply to know Him, He will reveal himself to you more and more.

Final Thoughts

I hope that this is encouraging, and helps you to strengthen your relationship with the Lord. To know more of Him, and to understand the mysteries that He brings, is the greatest joy anyone can receive in this life.

You have surely heard someone say that they get something new from the Lord every time they read through the Bible, and I can say that itโ€™s true! Weโ€™ll never know God fully in this life, and maybe not even when we see Him in Heaven. But He only gets better and better.

Next week, weโ€™ll be continuing to build on this idea of revelation as we discuss receiving it through scripture! The Bible is a wonderful way for God to reveal more of Himself, and provide bits of wisdom and insight alongside that. It is also through the Word, that I believe our faith is strengthened and deepened. So, come back next week to hear about how to read the word, for revelation, and not like just any book!

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