Preparing for Eternity

bavarian sunset

Last week, we looked at the history of God’s people, and the key moments that took place. From the covenant with Abraham to the resurrection of Jesus. Each moment was key in that they all shared a couple similarities. Today, we will be discussing those similarities, in light of how we, as Christians, can prepare for eternity with Jesus.

Commandment and Promise

The key detail that we discussed last week was that each moment in our history began with a commandment and featured a promise.

For example, when we look at the covenant that God made with Abraham, we see a commandment. The commandment was that Abraham, and his future descendants, would be God’s people, and that they would need to be circumcised. Here, there is a clear command, and that is that every man must be circumcised.

There is also a promise, however. Here, the promise actually comes first, and it is far greater than the command that Abraham is given. Abraham is promised to be the father of many nations, and a land that is to be his. He’s going to be blessed extraordinarily, far beyond what he has seen before. The command is actually pretty small in comparison to the promise given.

This pattern is repeated throughout the Old Testament and into the New Testament following Jesus’ life. With each key moment, like the giving of the law, there is always a command, and a promise that is given by God. It is no different for us as Christians. We are still given a command, and a promise.

As we look at how to prepare for eternity, and meeting Jesus face to face, we must keep in mind the commandments that were given to us from Jesus himself.

The Greatest Commandments

In Matthew 22, Jesus tells one of the Pharisees which of the commandments is the greatest and most important.

“And He said to him, โ€œโ€˜You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.โ€™ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, โ€˜You shall love your neighbor as yourself.โ€™ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 22:37-40).

Jesus gives us two specific commandments as being the most important. In fact, it seems as though every law could be defined under one of those two laws, to love the Lord with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself.

This could look like a lot of things, so much that we won’t even go into specifics. This could mean that you buy someone’s coffee, or you dedicate more time to the Lord every day. It could also mean that you serve in church, or that you pray for someone’s healing. There are a wide range of things that you can do to live this commandment out. However, as Jesus always does, He cares more about the heart, than what you specifically do.

Look at your heart. Even better, ask the Lord to examine your heart and see if there is anything hateful, unloving, or impure about it. I’ll let you know now that there will be.

By following Jesus and walking with Him daily, impurities will naturally come to the surface, and be removed. But it is through walking in obedience to Christ that you can walk in love and start to prepare yourself for the eternity that God would like for you to have.

Eternity’s Reward

What do you think of when you think of Heaven and eternity? Many people seem to have this idea that we are just going to be worshipping forever, but that isn’t what the Word says.

The scripture does say that we will worship, but it also says that we will,

  • Fellowship (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)
  • Feast (Revelation 19:6-8)
  • Serve God (Revelation 22:3)

Jesus also alludes to the fact that there will be different treasures for each of us in Heaven, when He says that we ought to store up treasures for ourselves there (Matthew 6:19-23).

Once more, in Matthew 25:23, Jesus tells a parable, in which a master tells their servant, “well done, good and faithful servant”. We too, will stand before the Lord and give an account of what we have done. The one that prepares well for eternity, following the commandments, will hear a “well done, good and faithful servant”. They will receive treasures in Heaven, and be blessed beyond what they had known. However, the one that doesn’t prepare for eternity, that doesn’t follow the commandments of loving God and loving others, will give an account and may make it to Heaven, but only as through fire.

“If any manโ€™s work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. If any manโ€™s work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire” (1 Corinthians 3:14-15).

Final Thoughts

As believers and followers of Christ, salvation is ours if we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. But the life that we live is no longer our own, but His. Therefore, the life that we now live, we must live by faith and in love.

The greatest commandments were these: to love God, and to love others as yourself. Are you doing that today? When you examine your heart, is there love in there? When you take a look at your actions, are they done in love?

I would encourage everyone to examine their thought life, their heart, and their actions. Hold them up to God’s love and character. Do they match? Are you acting in love, just as Christ would?

Eternity is important, and how you spend it is important too. By examining your heart and allowing the Lord to do the same, you test your own works and your own actions. In doing so, you can better prepare yourself for the rest of eternity with Christ Jesus, in hopes of hearing a “well done, good and faithful servant”.

Have a great week!

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