Our Mission

The Lighthouse Teaching name came with a purpose. I’ve seen far too many believers compromise and fall into the patterns of this world. As Christians, we are meant to be different, set apart. Matthew 5:14 tells us that we are the light of the world. Yet, the majority of Christians don’t share light. Lighthouse Teaching came with a purpose to bring the light back to Christians and share that light with others.

Here at Lighthouse Teaching, we want to build a mission statement to lay the foundation of the organization.

Followed with four core values that we hold as pillars of the brand.

Mission Statement

We have a very simple mission statement here at Lighthouse Teaching. At Lighthouse Teaching, our mission is to:

Teach and lead the younger generations to be a light in their communities and spread the light to others.

The more that our light shines, the more we will show the world the true light of Jesus. No one can ignore the light that Jesus has to offer, and we prepare the younger generations with everything they need to share that light themselves.

The Pillars

We have four core values that we hold true to, which help us to live out that mission statement.

  • We deny our worldly and fleshly desires (Galatians 5:24).

We understand that the only way to fully live in the life that Jesus has for us, that we must deny our flesh. Our flesh is evil and is never in line with the Holy Spirit. We must fight it, to let the light shine through.

  • We walk in step with the spirit (Galatians 5:25).

Walking in the way of the Holy Spirit is so vital to Christian living. As we practice this, we become a light to others as people can see the Holy Spirit in the way we live.

  • We serve one another in love (Galatians 5:13).

We recognize that God loves his people, and in that, we should too! Our stance when it comes to people should always be to serve, with love at the center!

  • We restore in a spirit of gentleness (Galatians 6:1).

Jesus came to restore humanity, and as the hands and feet of Christ, we want to restore our brothers and sisters in Christ, just as Christ restored us!

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