Blog Posts


Zach CalliesJun 23, 20238 min read

Prayer is vital. Often, it is the bridge between us,…

Is God Angry?

Zach CalliesJun 16, 20239 min read

One of the ways that people try to shut down…

The God of Redemption

Zach CalliesJun 9, 20238 min read

All of God’s word tells a singular story. We may…

How to be a Blessing

Zach CalliesJun 3, 20238 min read

There’s a term that’s been running around in the church…

The Joy of the Lord

Zach CalliesMay 26, 20237 min read

So, today we are going to discuss joy. I’ll be…

The Planted Word

Zach CalliesMay 20, 20237 min read

Recently, we have been discussing the word of God. We’ve…

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