A Man’s Purpose

colorful cutouts of the word purpose

What is my purpose? Why am I here? What does God have planned for me?

These are questions that often plague our minds. Sadly, we can spend our whole lives wondering and questioning our future, our past, and the choices that we make. At every step, we wonder if this is really what we are supposed to be doing, or if God has something else entirely for us. Or, if you’re anything like me, you can wonder if God has anything for you at all.

In the vastness of this world, it can be hard to put aside our thoughts, our doubts, and our worries. After all, we only have one life, so we should want to live it well, right?

Fortunately, God shows us all throughout the Bible what we are all called to and supposed to do. Better yet, He even reveals to us the truth that we all have a specific purpose deep on the inside of us.

However, it takes a “man of understanding” to draw it out.

The Christian’s Purpose

Before we discuss what it means to have an individual purpose, we must first understand that there is a purpose for the Church itself.

We are all part of the Church, and so, a member of the body of Christ. This means that while we are led and guided by Christ himself, living on the inside of us, we are the ones that do the work of Christ, here on Earth. You’ll often hear the term, “hands and feet of Jesus”, when discussing Evangelism and mission trips. That is, because as you help, serve, and bless other people through missions, evangelism, and other outreaches, you are acting on behalf of Jesus, and his Church. Just as my hand, when raised, is acting on behalf of my brain that told it to raise. Thus, when we go out to heal and pray for the sick, we are acting on behalf of Christ.

The Christian’s purpose then, is not just the Christian disciplines and such that you would expect, but it is acting as the body of Christ, and on behalf of Christ himself. This, however, is a high call, that we all will never do perfectly. It requires being attentive and listening diligently to His voice. It also requires being obedient to His instruction, which not a single person has done completely right. But it is in fact, the purpose of the Christian.

This high calling is not one that we are asked to fulfill alone, however. We are given a helper, in the Holy Spirit, that makes healing the sick, preaching the gospel, and raising the dead, among other things, even possible. Along with the Holy Spirit, we are brought together in the Church, which was given the purpose of doing His will, here on Earth.

A Deep Purpose

Along with our purpose as Christians, we are given a separate purpose. It is expounded on in one of my favorite proverbs.

“The purpose in a manโ€™s heart is like deep water,
but a man of understanding will draw it out” (Proverbs 20:5).

Oftentimes, as people grow older, they come to realize that there was a passion in their hearts, that they never tackled or pursued, whether it be for lack of money, lack of time, or something else. Eventually, they come to regret their decisions and wish that they pursued what they loved. What was deep in their hearts was never drawn out, and their purpose, never found. Thus, they find themselves at the end of their time, living an unfulfilled life.

We all have a purpose that’s deep in our hearts, but it takes a man of understanding to draw that purpose out. Without that man of understanding, we will never know or find our true purpose. We can’t do it on our own or expect it to come to us. But we must trust in the Lord for it to be revealed.

In order to live a more fulfilled life, and fully pursue exactly what God has in store for you, you must allow God to draw out your purpose. You can’t try to do it on your own anymore. There can be no more wondering, no more doubting, and no more worrying. You must trust in Him to draw it out and reveal to you the purpose that is deep on the inside of your heart.

Drawing It Out

One of the most misunderstood, but most popular verses of the Bible is Psalm 37:4.

“Delight yourself in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4).

You’ve certainly seen it on a home decoration at the nearest Christian store, or on the wall of a friend’s house. You may even have a shirt with it. However, it is very misunderstood. Some take it to mean that as we become Christians, God is just going to give us whatever we want. But I can say from experience, that that is not the case.

What I believe that verse means, is that as we delight ourselves in God, He will give us new desires and grant those to us. Such as the desire to have a Christian spouse, or the desire to more easily give up sinful habits.

I’ve found however, that as I delight myself in Him, He reveals to me the desires that are deep in my heart. He gives me a burning passion and a love for something that I didn’t know existed before. What I thought I loved and cared for, changed, and God gave me a new love, and a new passion.

Thus, I can say, that as we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will reveal to us the purpose and passion that is deep on the inside of our hearts.

This is my prayer for you: that you would delight yourselves in Him, and soon understand the purpose that He has for you.

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