Where Should We Place Our Hope?

building with the word hope

Do you ever find yourself feeling hopeless? Maybe everything feels like it is falling around you and you can’t catch a break? It is very easy to find ourselves placing our hope and value in all the material items and objects that we can attain. The new car, the new house, job, whatever it may be, however all these things will be gone, and the excitement will dissipate even faster. Therefore, in this world, what do we have to hope for? We can use Romans 8:24 to show us.

“For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?”

This verse reveals to us that we cannot hope in something we can already see. This practically eliminates the typical physical possessions and such that we tend to place value and hope in. However, this doesn’t show us where our hope is to be found in. Luckily, the same verse points exactly to the answer to that question.

Romans 8:24 tells us that “in this hope we were saved”, and we have already determined that we cannot hope for what we can see, therefore it is in the unseen that we must find hope. The unseen encompasses quite a few things, so let’s look at a few.

1. Salvation

It is in the unseen hope and belief in Jesus that we were saved. While we may not be able to see this salvation and it’s not something that is revealed to us with any of our physical senses, we can have hope and believe in it simply because the Bible says we have it.

2. Love

Romans 8:39 says that nothing in all of creation “will be able to separate us from the love of God”. Love is another thing that we cannot see, we just believe it exists. This can be said for the love of God, as nothing can take it away, and in that love, we can find peace and rest.

3. Blessings

It’s very easy to look at our lives and think that our lives really stink. However, we are told in Ephesians 1:3 that the Lord “has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places”. that is powerful, we are actually given every spiritual blessing, whether we see it or not. That is surely something we can put our hope into.

While the thing we can ultimately put all of our hope into is Jesus, he has made many promises to us and we can find hope in every single one, because the Lord is a man of his word.

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